Wednesday, December 21, 2022

BuRNinG CoaLs

 She awoke the next day excited to hear her favorite tarot reader.

The messages that always came through never ceased to amaze her!

And this morning was no different!

As she heard the words 'Lie and twin flame' spoken, 

immediately, she knew she was busted. 

The words 'twin flame' get tossed around in this life as an attachment


Yet she knew the real meaning behind the true twin flame connections.

She could read charts and so she knew when there was something

that had existed between two people several life times ago. 

And with him this was one of those many lifetimes. 

How many more would it take to really learn what they came 

here to learn? 

That was the million dollar question.

Well, for her, this reading about knowing 

where we lie, not only to others,

but to our own selves...

Got her really intrigued! 

It was almost like something inside her got nudged and then continuously

tugged at her soul until she allowed the truth to be told...

But so then where was her lie in the twin flame story?

 The only way to find out was through the events that always repeated.

and here she was anxious to let it all unfold

 in the recap of the whole story from her perspective

in order to find out. 

It all began when she decided to change her profile picture because the solstice 

was very much upon them. She always got her nudges to take actions from her intuition.

And this profile change was indeed one of those nudges. 

As the day progressed, she got a couple of people clicking 'like' on her

update, including her sister's ex. Which of course not only triggered 

her sister, but also triggered her own ex...

Her twin flame, 

who of course had been cast back into the evil underworld

where he kept trying to escape from over and over again.

He had been watching her ever so closely since day one

 and always managed to get himself Triggered!

She already knew he needed a lot of shadow work, just as she was doing her own...

 yet he had clearly

expressed to her many times before that he didn't want to do his. 

And that is exactly what lead the relationship they had to it's demise.

~Three Months Later...~

 There he was still following her ever so closely on social media,

 constantly getting himself triggered and then running up smear 

campaigns against her, when clearly all they were doing was adding on to his 

regrets. His disappointments. His fears. 

His shadow was growing faster then imaginable! 

He tried to escape them by pushing his mind and body so hard... 

He was running miles and miles daily... trying to out run his shadow... 

But little did he know... 

All he really had to do was stop and turn the other direction. 

Back To the light. 

And in that way, his shadow would not lead him. 

Instead it would be behind him.

And he wouldn't lose his power anymore because when he walked forward,

 the shadow would always be behind him. 

Peace, Love, Joy, and Freedom would all be his.  

But he chose to live in his shadows. 

And so there, he would only find and meet his demons and fears. 

Battling them daily... Yet never going anywhere except in circles, 

called Karma or The Matrix. 


After hearing the message from the tarot lady... 

She knew that she had a lie of her own to face. 

And that lie was one of mystery. 


Because she knew that her twin flame was like this when she first met him.

She saw all of his pains and chains that he had tied himself all up in.

Yet she still chose to get with him. 

And this was the mysterious lie in her. 

Why did she do it? 

Was it pride? 

Pride that she was going to fix him or help him? meaning she was better?

That was a possibility. 

Who was she kidding, that was it exactly.

She had always thought she was better then everyone...

Until she met him and realized that she was no different then him.

They were twins. 

Twin Flames. 

Meaning they could either put their flames together and create 

a brighter flame to share with the world..

or they could burn each other when they allowed their own flames to burn themselves

and get way out of control.

 However, the only way that they could ever tame this type of flame

was going to be with the guidance and help of God... 

With God, the flames would not burn out of control and destroy their entire world.

But without God... 

There was no hope of that, because all there was without God's light was 



And that is why He was now in the underworld....

And still getting triggered daily by not just her, but everyone 

and everything that he would ever come upon in his life...

But all she could do was admit her own faults.

Her own self deceptions, prides, and lies...

And just continue to work on her own shadows

as they came up daily because she lost her own way

many times too.

 No one was perfect. 

She knew that much. 

And that's why she had compassion for all,

 including her Twin Flame




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