Monday, December 19, 2022

The Attitude

Not being able to drink, made her want to drink. 

Not wanting to feel emotions. only made them come around more.

But then wanting to make money or get a job, 

only made it ten times harder to even land a job, 

let alone save any money from what she already had.

So what gives? She questioned.

Why did life always seem to work in a paradox?

What was the secret that everyone else seemed to 

have gotten ahold of in order to be doing so much better then her?

She sat and pondered this thought for a moment. 

She wanted to feel out the flow of what she was doing..

Because obviously there really wasn't any flow happening 

so she knew something had to be reviewed, revisited, and revised.

If she wanted to make money or land a job in the here and now,

She had to first examine why she wasn't landing the jobs she was applying for.

She began by  asking herself the basic easy to see reality questions


Had she done her part and applied for the job?

The answer there was yes. 

Did she possess all the skills required for the job she applied to?

The answer there was also a yes. 

Then she questioned herself with... has she gone up to the actual job 

and showed assertion, interest, and confidence in her abilities to help the 

applied to company?

And the answer yet again was an indiddly diddly do yuppers! 

So then... what was the hold up she thought? 

Could it be???

The unseen?

The energetics? 

Perhaps it was.

But for now it wasn't helping. At least it didn't look like that from her 

stand point. From where she was standing she actually looked like 

she wasn't even trying. People were telling her to try harder. 

That perhaps she didn't even want to get a job. 

But that really wasn't the case. She was indeed trying really hard. 

However, the universe was trying just as hard along with her

to fulfill the energetics inside her. 

The energetics of LACK.

The more she focused on the struggle to find something that she didn't yet have...

Told the universe to give her more of what she didn't have. 

But why was that?

And that's when she realized that the universe could only match her

to the vibration she had in her. 

So if the vibration flowing in her was one of need, want, or hope... 

The universe matched her with those lacks there of.

And so...After finally coming to terms with this sudden revelation,

 she took a step back and reassessed her view and intention... 

She didn't need anything, she thought. 

She was totally happy and content in her now moment. 

She was blessed with all that she could ever want. 

She had her family, friends, and nature all around her.

She had a house, food, a car, and money in her pocket. 

She had her health and vitality and she had God with her. 

There was nothing else she needed. She was completely and 

totally blessed and grateful! 

And after going through the list of all that was around her 

in that now moment, she felt a huge joy lift up in her. 

The energy was so great that it flowed right out of her into 

everything she did the rest of that day. 

And as she finished writing her first blog entry for the next chapter 

of her life... 

She felt truly grateful for the wonderful gift as a writer

that God had bestowed upon her! 

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