Saturday, March 4, 2023

Love you to death?

 It took him 3 times...

3 rejections...

Then 1 unseen attempt to get her to comply.

It was last rounds at the bar though and she was pretty much as drunk

as she wanted to get before having to drive home from the night club.

And that is exactly how they met. 

His motive was not of love. 

His motive was of proof.

Proof to himself that he could conquer even the toughest chick 

to achieve at the night club. 

For him at least.

As for her...

It was more about being able to cut off an existing lover 

whom she fell for yet had no hope for since he was already taken.

And so that night... they both were in agreement of the unseen agreement.

Pluto was ready with the moon in Aquarius that night. 

Together they worked as a team to settle this contract once and for all. 

The contract of self confidence. 

Self esteem.

Self acceptance.

All of them were ready. 

And so it began. 

The initiation happened that night as the two consumed each other 

in the heat of passion as well as in utter drunkenness!

Since she was the Pluto though...

She carried with her a sense of caution.


She knew. 

It wasn't right some how.

That's why at 4am... 

She awoke suddenly and knew she had to go. 

He asked... 

"Are you leaving me?"

As if his soul already knew what was coming. 

To which she softly replied, "Yes. I have to."

And away she went. 

~~3 years later~~

She sat at her computer, writing out the very story 

that was just about to be revealed to all... 

This guy that she met at her favorite club, turned out to be a liar.

A cheater and  A thief. 

And as much as she wanted to cut him out of her life, 

she realized that it was the hardest thing for her to do. 


She knew the answer. 

But did everyone else? 

Probably not. 

Because she was so good at hiding it all behind her fake laughs.

He fake naivety...

Her fake persona....

Her fake identity.

She was the master Traitor...

As was he the master Traidor.

So who was really going to win this deceptive game?

Because as far as Love goes...

They both win. 

But with Being a traitor, there was no 'both'. 

It was always one or the other.

And this is where she had the hardest time letting it go. 

Did she really need to win this time? 

She definitely didn't want to lose... 

And maybe that is why she held on so hard to the game. 

But then... 

She realized that she was losing anyways... 

By holding on.

She wasn't moving forward.

She was standing still and that, in and of its self, was a losing card.

It was a joker card.

An old maid.

And she was neither.

And so she gave the whole situation one last thought...

And then she decided to just let it all go...

It was done. 



And with that... 

She was free! 

She had won.

For herself. 

The victory she seeked, was hers. 

And she was finally happy... 

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