Friday, March 17, 2023

Ante Up or FoLD?

 This whole week had been nothing but one crap shoot 

after another after another... 

And now it was Friday, and she was trying to fathom 

one more ounce of hope to keep going, but as soon 

as she was about to do anything she deemed worthy... 

Down it went.

Now most people would tell her to stop focusing on the bad.

And she would so happily take that advice and run with it... 

However, she had already had that advice in her right hand. 

And she was indeed running with it... 

Only to be road blocked yet again into despair. 

What was happening? 

And Why?

She couldn't hold back her tears anymore.

As she sat at the red light waiting for it to turn green,

She balled her eyes out over the spilled coffee order,


and then cursed the wrong turns she kept making with 

all the other orders after that one. 

Finally she gave in... 

She surrendered..

The warrior in her put up the white flag and finally

left the building... 

Or her head... 

Either way, she was done. 

She figured one of two things... 

She could either blame Mercury going into Aries 

for making her night have an all bets off turnabout... 


She could blame herself for not loving herself once again

and pushing herself too hard to do something she 

never even anteed into.

So that night, she cashed out... 

Tomorrow would be a new day. 

And she hoped for only the best but knew to only 

focus in the now. 

And right now, she was at home, in front of her television..

Ready to watch an old movie, which she knew, 

always brought her back home to herself,

and that's all she wanted right now... 

Was to feel comfortable at HOME...

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