Friday, March 3, 2023

There is No EnD, only Again and a GaiN...

 She was sitting in her new room, upstairs... 

In a townhouse in the most beautiful kingdom she could manifest,

for now... 

She was just now getting herself back into a groove. 

Her own authentic groove. 

As she sat in her favorite chair, typing her blog, she looked up

and gazed out her window that was before her... 

and she realized... 

She had been here before. 

Not this same room, but this same state of being. 


 Loving all of life.

 Just being grateful for all that was. 

And she liked the energy of it. 

It gave her hope and motivation. 

Inspiration to do anything and everything that she ever wanted.

This was her flow. And from this, she was able to manifest


 However... the last time she was here...

She overlooked one minor detail to owning all this magic...

And what she had overlooked was the protection required

to hold on to what was hers. 

Most people hold tight to material things... 

But to her, material things could be ripped away in a moments time.

She learned that the hard way. 

But she also learned the other end of that same stick... 

Which was in the giving away of her truth and powers to 

a deep dark sucking energetic portal into the endless hole

 known as the great abyss! 

She learned in 3 years that in order to stay in a place of truth, 

she needed to really own and love who she really was. 

And that required protection every single day. 

Like a body guard for a person of great fame... 

She too needed to first see and accept herself as equally important. 

She had a lot to share and give to all those she encountered...

However, she definitely needed to learn to allow it to go both ways.

And that required patience and time... 


She had always been so used to running forward.. 

Running ahead..

Creating alone so she didn't need to be afraid of the unknown...

But little did she know...

 that wasn't how the universe worked. 

The universe was about co-creating from;

 Trust, faith, and flow...

Trusting in who God had made her.

Faith that God was always with her.


Flowing in Love for all that she was and did moving forward.

She always met people who would give her the message of;

"Follow your Heart"! 

And it would frustrate her to no end trying to figure it out.. 

what that meant??


even how to apply it!

Until now... 

As she sat in her new room, looking out her window, 

she saw all that she couldn't see before. 


And her Importance to who God had made her. 

She finally saw the LOVE in her Heart...

and she was ready to co-create with it every day

 for the rest of her existing life.... 

Starting always with herself. 

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