Monday, March 6, 2023

The Secret Waterfall


The Virgo Full moon was only a day away...

And Saturn was about to move into Pisces the very same day.

She didn't want to admit it, but she felt very fearful 

of what was to unfold for her. 

Already her year had been anything but nice. 

Everything she was trying to do was falling apart.

No matter what she was trying to put her energy into...

Ended up all for the waste. 

She was getting to the last straw in her box of 100 straws...

Only one more to go... 

Then after that, it was time for her to learn to drink

without a straw. 

Or at least adapt to the different feeling of drinking from a cup.

She didn't understand it. 

Why was life going the way it did for her?

Why was she having such a hard time getting a job. 

Even when she exerted as much energy as she possibly could

in finding one and keeping one... Like Door Dash...

It always crumbled before her. 

There was nothing left to hold onto. 

She kept holding onto the idea that God was going to lead her.

But so far, she couldn't see the help he was offering. 

Was she not looking in the right direction?

Was she not listening?

What other direction was there though?

She had exhausted all her directions.. 

Or so she believed.. 

So what was she to do? 

And so she breathed real deep and she allowed herself to 

just chill... 

Saturn would bring her the next step. 

She knew that much. 

There was no need to run around like a chicken with it's 

head cut off... 

It was time to just 

Which for her was not easy... But she finally restrained herself... For once....

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