Sunday, March 19, 2023

Fashion Passion with Compassion

Since Pluto was moving into Aquarius March 23rd, 2023...

He was asking everyone what had they learned about 

their own personal power?  

Before she could answer Pluto, she had to think back 

on her life and really see how far she had come...

She realized that she had grown up quite a bit! 

And so today she wanted to integrate all that she was able

to experience and still come out of it... Alive... 

Alive and Ready to live once more.

It all began in 2019.

She had moved to her favorite state all because of it's super cute  motto...

Virginia is for Lovers

Well, it wasn't just the motto, but also the scenery and ambience. 

Back in 2019, she started off pretty well. 
She got a room, a job, and she began to go regularly out in nature
in order to reconnect to her true sense of self, 
especially after losing her hero back in 2016.
Her father. 

She had a lot of grief to release and a lot of hidden anger! 
She never thought she was angry... She loved her father very much. 
But this hidden anger required some really deep shadow work.
And who other then Pluto, was able to do such great shadow revelations! 

But before she could actually see what was happening,
 she had to first go through a lot of experiences...

It all began when she was working her job as a cashier. 
She started to get hit on almost every day by men young and old,
tall and short, fat and skinny, Spanish and Asian, black and white. 
However, she was still in a place where she really couldn't open up to 
a relationship. 
She had just gotten out of a long relationship that had ended badly. 
And so she was just accepting flattery. 

Then she began to explore Virginia more and decided to 
see if there was any night life happening on Friday nights. 
And sure enough she found a few. 
She picked one that was close enough to her home and from there
she began to go do the one thing she enjoyed the most. 

Since this was a Spanish Night club, she realized that she 
would have to learn their famous dance and one night 
got asked by a sweet guy to do exactly that. 
They hit it off really well and that night it all went down hill
for her... 
Because she was so afraid to release the pains of past relationships
she kept attracting the same issues over and over again.
Her issues. 
Her Pluto territory issues.

Self esteem, self confidence, will power...
All of these were her weak spots and she didn't even know it.
but she should have... 
The signs were always there.
She just didn't know how to see them. 

And this is exactly what she had learned.. 
Not only how to have self esteem and self worth... 
But also how to connect to her higher self and her spiritual team...
How to see the signs... 

How to interpret them for her situation at hand. 

And so here she was today... 
Looking over her last relationship.. 
The one she had thought was her twin flame, yet turned out 
to be Plutonic... 

What was Pluto showing her? 
The sun represented will power, self esteem, self confidence, the soul! 
And this is exactly what was Square for the two of them. 

When she looked at the reflection she saw in her Plutonic Twin... 
She saw herself... 
Only it was her in a masculine form. 
She saw his recent post... 
And even though she wanted to congratulate him on his accomplishment...
She saw it in his face...
 the stress, the struggle, the pain...
And she saw herself... 
How she constantly pushed and struggled all of her days... 
How much stress she put herself through...
How much pain she took on daily only to do what she thought she had to..
But this is where she finally saw it. 
The lesson from Pluto..
Why would she die for this earth when she was so blessed to be on it.
To have her energy put into a human body and be able to experience it 
was indeed a huge gift. 
Why was she allowing her false beliefs and fears take away the one gift 
God had given her. 
Life on her own terms through her own faith and beliefs. 
She just had to stop believing in what she was taught
and shown growing up and she had to start believing
 in her own truths as she knew them. 

This is what she had finally come to learn in the past 5 years.
And she Thanked Pluto for his lessons in Power. 
And she allowed him to activate her personal power of
Self Confidence and Self Worth From Within... 

And she gave her Plutonic Twin the same gratitude. 
He was definitely one of her greatest teachers. 

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