Sunday, January 1, 2023

Lust for Freedom, is the exchange..

 It was a brand New Year! 

A blank new page to a 365 page book.

There was not a cloud in the sky. 

She had a Clear Sunny Day in front of her.

But before she could take that first step into this wonderful 

gift of a New Year... 

She had to first release all the baggage she was carrying

deep inside her heart!

It almost felt like such a burden to even go down the stairs

to her heart's deepest core, where love did reside..

Because as she took each step down the stairway to her

deepest core,

 there were so many struggles, hurts, and pains, that 

she had thrown down there to either deal with later, 

but then forgot, or honestly just didn't want to 

even address and thought they would just disappear all on their own.

That out of sight out of mind sort of false belief... 

As she tried to continue down the stairs, she was beginning to regret

her decision because the pains all started to come at her like 

toddlers in need of nurturing and attention... 

She didn't want to lift up these pains.. She didn't want to lose 

that good feeling she had coerced herself into feeling with beer

and family laughs the night before. 

But then she remembered.. 

Living in the now moment meant to be true and aware of how 

she felt right now. 

And since this was her heart she was checking in with... 

She realized that in the now moment all these pains needed her.

And so she allowed herself to give love to all the pains. 

She knew she couldn't fix them.. That was up to God to do.. 

But she had to take that first step to go down to her heart and 

allow all that was there to come to her. 

Like little infants, little toddlers, or even little pets. 

She knew that sometimes life was hard and it hurt. 

And she knew that those emotions and feelings never felt good.

But she also learned that life wasn't just about the good. 

It was also about really feeling truth. 

And truth sometimes hurt. 

But that didn't mean that it didn't deserve love. 

So as the pains came to her, 

she began to collect the pieces one by one. 

And she started to embrace her flaws.

She began to weigh out a lot of areas where she had turned 

away from God's true light, which was love. 

She saw that most of the pains that came to her were in fact

based in lust. 

She saw that she had lust in her mind and had called it love. 

When she had found her Twin Flame, she realized that 

she had lusted after giving him all kinds of help and affections 

in order to feel like she was a wonderful loving partner.

She had called this love... 

But truth was... 

If she didn't love herself in the same manner that she was giving 

away to this other person, 

Then surely, she had been feeding her EGO! 

Her Twin Flame was always right when he said things to her.

She just wasn't catching on.

She kept burying things. 

The feelings, the hurts, the pains.. 

But why?

The Spirit of Lust... 

That's why. 

And there it was! 

The demon encompassing her Love, keeping it a prisoner. 

And as she approached the demon of Lust in her, she knew 

she was safe because she had turned back to God. 

He had brought her here... To meet head to head..

Eye to eye with her greatest reflection! 

Her own deceit!


And she took the key that was hanging around her neck 

on a chain necklace and she unlocked the handcuff that had 

chained her love and lust together as one. 

And she finally set the spirit of Lust free! 

And There she too was Free! 


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