Wednesday, February 8, 2023

ALways HeRe and NoW...

 Why did she always do it?

She had to ask herself several times... 

But eventually she got what she wanted to hear..

Which was the truth.

And just what was the truth though? 

Well before that could be revealed..

She knew that the first thing to understand 

was, in fact, the question.

And so what was the question? 

She thought long and hard... But eventually came to it.

The question was... 


Why did she always agree to do things that she really

did not feel connected to in her heart?

And to answer that question... 

She dug deep and found that a lot of times, 

she was doing and choosing things all because there was 

a status quo that she was trying to please.

She also knew that a lot of times, 

she was trying to get validations from people she thought 

were the dictators of her life. 

And so with this false belief, she went through many...

And with each, she endured a lot of abuse. 

But she did it with valor. 


Simply because she had thought that is what was expected of her. 

But eventually.. 

Many wasted years later, she had found out the truth.

The truth that she was wrong. 

There really wasn't anyone who held a spot higher then 

her true self and the God in her 

And so... there she was.. 

Middle aged and starting again. 

Where would she go this time?

What would she do this time?

These were now all up to her. 

No one else. 

And she was ready...

She really wanted to try one last time. 

To see where she would take herself.

With no one else to please but herself, life began to look 

exciting... but also scary... 

It was almost like walking a desert.. 

Nothing but blank space ahead to create whatever she wanted... 

But what did she really want? 

That was the one question she learned she didn't have to answer.


She just had to live it. 

And that is exactly what she had planned to do... 

One day at a time. 

Beginning with the NOW moment. 

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