Sunday, February 5, 2023

Found it!

 He kept trying... 

But she was done.

He was now about to feel all that the others before him had felt.

Cause she was that magic.

That magic that only came like a comet. 

And men will always speak of her as such...

"She was a unique constellation of attributes; she was my Halley's comet. But the universe is designed to break your heart"

And so it was. 

She knew he would deny it though if ever asked. 

He would say all kinds of negatives about her. 

He would trash her beyond recognition. 

She knew this. 

But she also knew that she didn't believe any of it.

She knew who she was. 

And she knew she was a gift.

A gift of Love to anyone who knew how to attract her!

But the attraction wasn't enough to keep her. 

In order to keep her type of love, a man would have to own 

the same type of love for himself. 

And this guy who followed her around like a little lost puppy...

unfortunately didn't know the first thing about what loving himself 

looked like. 

He just knew how to dictate and push himself. 

He was on the fast track to death, in her eyes. 

And that wasn't the
type of man she could see herself living life with.

Cuz eventually he would die. 

He'd basically lead himself to his own death bed before it was even time! 


Here she was.. 

Starting again.

She looked in the mirror and gave herself a sly smile and a wink. 

She was owning it this time.

Who she was. 

And where she would end up, 

were all in her hand...

Or actually...

Her heart, 

as she had finally learned! 

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