Friday, February 3, 2023

One last Shot

 It was that time again. 

Her life had come to the same ending as it always had

 many times over.

Her recent relationship with another human had run it's course

yet again as it always did in the past.

Only this time... 

She saw it clearly. 


All those times before, she used to put her power out there.

She had thought that by giving of herself to others all that she knew

and had within her...

That it would somehow magically give her, love back in return.

But little did she know... 

That if she didn't already feel and have love in her

for herself first and foremost... 

That the very things that she was giving and putting out, 

really were not that of love. 

In fact, the energy that she was really putting out was indeed 

negative energy. 

And with that negative energy, all she was able to attract was 

the same negative energy. 


She had learned... no sooner then later, that it was because

relationships where indeed meant for not only love and reproduction,

but also for reflection.  

And so with this final revelation... 

She was now ready to once again move forward. 

Only this time... 

She wasn't going to self destruct!

She was going to live.

And she was going to really LOVE.

First God.

Then herself. 

And Finally, Others. 

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