Saturday, February 18, 2023

Illusion Delusion Just once more

 She was driving down the road. 

Radio blasting her Spanish favorites..

When a thought popped into her head... 

A scene actually... 

So she entertained it...

There was an office setting. 

A big desk. 

A file cabinet...

And a man in a suit that sat behind the great big desk. 

He sat there with a frustrated look on his face. 

He was writing down names on a yellow line notepad. 

He mumbled to himself in disgust, 

"How man thumbs do I gotta break this week?"

And he began to write down name after name, 

when he realized that he didn't have his Energy drink yet.

He leaned over and pushed the red button on his phone marked 


"Send in Bambita Pronto!" He spoke forcefully.

"Yes Mr.Lopez, Right Away!" Responded a mature female voice.

Not even a minute later, the door cracks open and a beautiful 

sexy blonde glides in...

"How may I assist you Mister Lopez Sir?"

and offers a curtsy...

"You can start by wiping that god awful smirk off your face, that's how!"

She was taken aback! 

But she also knew that this was a part of the 

job description to which she had agreed to. 

So she did exactly as he commanded. 

"Yes sir, as you wish..." She concurred.

"Is there anything else master Lopez that you wish?"

"Yes Bambita. Seek me my Energy Drink Pronto!"

She nodded and softly spoke, "Yes Sir Master. Lopez. Right away sir."

She spun around on her heels and went straight out the door. 

As the door closed, Boss man Lopez sat at his desk with his hands 

gripping the pencil with which he was writing the names, 

when he realized he had broken the pencil in two.

Why did Bambita have to look so enticing all the time? He thought.

And why did she always have to wear such revealing outfits? 

He realized he was beginning to perspire just by envisioning

 her bare smooth luscious thighs that ran all the way up to... 

And then his concentration was broken when the door opened 

once again... 

Bambita rushed in almost tripping on her own left foot, but caught herself...

She slowed down and walked up to the huge desk where he was seated and 

she place the energy drink on a coaster on his desk. 

"Your drink, Master Lopez." She asserted in the politest tone she could muster

without sounding like she was afraid to be shot for even speaking. 

Then she turned and began to walk away, when he immediately uttered, 

"Bambita! Come here!

 Then continued to point at a chair in front of the 

great big desk...

 "Sit, Please."

Bambita turned around and came back slowly. 

"Yes, Master Lopez. Did I fail you in some way sir?"

"Not so much as failed... I wouldn't say that, Bambita.. But I must 

say this now to you or I believe we will have a lot to e'splain later."

"I don't understand, Mr. Lopez..." she pleaded.. 

It's your Blouse Bambita... There is way too much showing..

How do you expect me to get any work done around here with 

you coming around and teasing the entire office!"

"Oh heaven's! I didn't even realize it, Mr. Lopez.. Please do forgive me.. 

I will button it up immediately!" She replied.

"No Bambita! You have done enough damage. I will do it myself."

He reached over and grabbed the blouse where it came to a 'V' near her chest.

His hands were so warm and hard... 

Bambita gasped for her next breath...

She looked up and her eyes met his eyes.. 

"I'm sorry sir," she muttered.. 

"I didn't mean to get startled".

Mr. Lopez felt his own heart beat faster with her blue eyes staring deeply into his...

He almost lost all control from his appetite for her, but then broke his gaze

from her eyes

 and softly whispered in her ear in a slow deep tone, 

"Just don't let it happen again"

Then his hands began to brush against her skin and the warmth began to ignite 

more flames in her then she was ever prepared for... 

Her chest began to rise and fall faster and faster

 and she was afraid he was going 

to notice her burning desire all too soon...

But then to her surprise, he wasn't buttoning up her blouse..

He was unbuttoning it!

No sooner then later, his warm masculine hands had 

 forcefully slid into her bra and encompassed her breasts. 

She didn't even get the chance to gasp, because right away, 

his mouth had seized hers!

And then the vision bubble broke... 

She had arrived at her next delivery sight and so she put the story to bed...

Just like that. 

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