Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Fortunate Events

 It was 11:01pm that Wednesday night when she had decided 

to write it out. 

Her mind seemed to be all a fuzz lately and so 

to write out what was up in her brain felt like it 

couldn't do too much more harm then there already existed.

Her and her sister were sitting at the dinner table 

with their laptops open.

Both of them were looking up the dates they both




from their recent counterparts.

It was almost like the future representation of fortune tellers

 looking into their crystal ball! 

As she looked into April 7th 2021, she found the truth 

she was searching for. 

The truth that she actually already knew because she had done

her shadow work. 

The truth she found was

that their relationship was brought together by her team... 

The Sun, (Self Esteem)

 Saturn, (Limitations)

Jupiter, (Expansion)


 Mercury (Perception/communication)..

All of them together with the help of

 Pluto (Death and Rebirth)


 Uranus (Chaos/Radical freedom)

 had ganged up on her

 Moon (feelings/emotions) 

and took it hostage in

 Aquarius (Innovation) in the 2nd House (self worth/security)!


So she could learn to stop letting her life get washed away.

So she could stop giving over her power in relationships..

So she could learn to truly express her feelings to herself and then 

express and communicate her emotions to others,

 in a calm, feminine, loving way, even if they were 

not so pleasant. 

She needed to learn so much. 

And she did. 

But she had to remind herself today of all that she did learn, 

so that she could bury all the lessons and take only the wisdom with her

to where she was going next. 

It seemed the road was about to crack open for her. 

The red sea was about to part once again!

Because she was going to do it..

She was going to finally accept herself for who she truly was.

And she was finally going to open up!

And it felt good. 

Really good. 


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