Thursday, January 19, 2023

Broken MiRRoR revelations


There went the champagne cork!

The New Moon in Aquarius hadn't even landed yet, but there was 
already a great huge deal of secrets being exposed that had called to her 
for a celebration...

But only after a long hard brutal ending of course. 
Which seemed to be the case for her all her life, or so it always seemed to play out. 
Besides, what was a new beginning without a rather explosive dramatic

And of course, there she was... 
Champagne in hand, 
Huge evil grin on her face... 
Just ready to shake that shit up!
Was she ready?
God yes she was!


It was January 19th 2023...

After living her life in a way that was never 





To who she was created to be... 

She was definitely ready to hand in the keys to her previous attempts

and begin again.

Back in March of 2022, she had asked for a revelation of the spell

that was cast upon her to be written out to her, so she could finally 

see it. 

But it never came to her until she finally reconnected to God 

once and for all!

And that would all happen 10 months later! 

Why so late you ask?

Because the seed had to be planted first..

The seed of intention.

So when she planted her seed of wanting an answer to become 

relevant about the truth of her life... 

God, the universe, and her angel team got straight to it!

They began to do the work of putting together and bringing forth the truth 

to her since she truly desired with all her heart to know this truth 

so she could change her direction for the highest good of all.

And that is exactly what had happened for her, 10 months later. 

There she sat with her mom, having a conversation..

well actually having several conversations.

Some good and some very brutal, but amongst all this 

release of energies, sprouted the truth!

The truth she needed to hear in order for her life to take a huge 

turn for the better!

She learned that night of the power of words. 

Words spoken that were of judgment and disgrace!

They were words that could and would cast a spell 

over anyone. Especially a young child. 

And this was the tone of her revelation. 

The fact that she had been keeping herself under a spell

of words spoken. 

Because she allowed herself to love people outside of her

more then she chose to love herself and believe in herself..

She had given away her power a long long time ago.

 She was never really true to herself.

She was never really real about who and what she truly believed in.

She had gotten so lost in everyone's idea's and expectations

 that she didn't even see it!

Everything was a mumbo jumbo of a mess that just seemed so real.

But she wasn't real... And so the equation was always off..

Way off!

Until NOW.

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