Friday, January 6, 2023

Do It... Do It NOW!

 It was the evening of the Cancer Full Moon, 

and she had sat down in front of the television 

to watch her favorite old classics. 

She began her night with Three's Company first.

After watching a few episodes of the show

 and getting in a good laugh or two,

she switched to something a little more family orientated. 

Fuller House...

Fuller House was a continuation of an old show she used to watch way back 
when... called Full House. 

After watching just the first episode of fuller house, it brought back so many 
memories of the older version she used to watch that she tear'd up!

She remembered how she used to watch all these old family shows as a child...
And how she planted it in her mind that this is exactly what she wanted to create 
in this life of hers. 
But little did she know... that just wanting something was not enough to create it.
Instead, wanting something,
 created exactly the opposite because of a lack inside.
Yet... She didn't understand how to let go of the lack in order to build what she 
truly wanted...
Until now... 

Today during the Cancer Full Moon, it finally occurred to her that she needed to 
first be thankful and grateful for the family she already had. 
Even if it wasn't the kind of family she wanted to create... Just being thankful 
for what she had before her was the energy needed in order for her
to align with the feeling of compassion and love.

And that is exactly what the universe needed in order to give back 

It took her 44 years to understand how to break out of this lack mentality. 
But today was the day she finally did it. 
And she was very grateful for that freedom.

She realized today that her mindset had to change. 
From looking at what she wanted to happen later...
And she needed to put her focus into being grateful each day for all 
that she had before her and for all that she could contribute lovingly
to it. And that energy was what was going to take her to her 
hearts truest desire!

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