Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Your Loud Silence Screams

The Cancer Full Moon was only a few days away, 

but the energies 

of it were already kicking up in high gear!

Cancer was the Mother.. The nurturer.. 

Cancer was ruled by the Moon, which of course

controlled the full spectrum of emotions 

witnessed and experienced by all the Human species.

The Sun on the other hand, was in Capricorn, the father!

The father represented limitations, structure, responsibility!

Capricorn was all that on earth especially since he was 

governed by Saturn. 

So... overall, it was going to be a very busy week!

The energies were just pouring in! 

She was already working on a lot of her own

 mother and father wounds. 

Pretty much since Early September of last year.

Her and her twin flame had quite the fireball explosion

all because of both their parental wounds. 

And so she wanted to rewire her own Broken Consciousness

since she realized that it was leading her life far away

from what she truly came to accomplish on this Planet.

Until she, herself, was healed from the broken consciousness...

She knew very well that her twin would not appear any better 

then they were before.

Zero Feelings, No Emotions...

She knew that until they both learned to communicate 

their true feelings to themselves first 

and then truthfully to each other,

there would be no communication at all. 

And so that night when he tried to reach out to her 

as he always did with his degrading words...

 She knew it was just an illusion. 

And so she didn't even try to grasp it. 

She just allowed it to disappear... 



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