Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Star Crossed LoVE

 The universe never ceased to amaze her no matter

 how long they have known each other!

Once again she was totally shocked and surprised 

at how she had been in an intimate relationship 

with the universe and never even saw it. 

Until now. 

All the planets have been working with her since day one. 

They were her family.

Her teachers.

Her companions.


Her Protectors. 

She was totally blessed with how much she had been given 

no matter what she was going through in this life time.

This was her proof and witness of God. 

The Higher Power that kept 

life going no matter what was happening.

When she realized all this, it totally put into perspective for her

everything that was happening to her in the here and now. 

And just what exactly was happening in the here and now?

She had finally reached the point in her existence that was 

going to level her up to what she came here to do.

All it took was for her to learn what true self love was

by standing up for her hearts' truest desire.

It wasn't about giving to others that which she hadn't even

 given herself.

It was not about abusing her body out of fear that 

a person would leave her for another.

And it definitely wasn't about allowing herself to be 

ridiculed for her belief in spirituality, the stars and the planets!

The one thing she learned in this life time 

of hers, was that God always came first and

 that no one was more important 

to her then God and her own self. 

Because without having and showing love to herself,

there really was no love to even share with anyone else! 

And that's what she finally came to the conclusion 

in all these years! 

That self love was;

 the boundaries she had set for herself.

The morals and principles that mattered to her.

The rules and limits that she abided by and allowed. 

And also the respect, honor and value that she gave to her own self on a daily basis. 

She learned all this with the help of her 

universal team whom never left her side no matter how bad things got! 

And for that she was forever grateful.


She happily shared with the universe her love always

 because that was the bond they shared since day one.

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