Saturday, January 28, 2023

Attraction CoNTRaPtioN

 Today was a day of easy flowing. 

She sat outside and meditated first thing in the morning

 with her music and coffee

Then she did her yoga not long after that. 

Later, she made two videos in the afternoon. 

Yet figured she'd edit them later the next day since 

she had planned to do her door dash right around peak time!

And that she did. 

And now, here she was at the end of her day feeling 

very accomplished and very content. 

She was writing in her blog and that's pretty much 

all she really needed in this life. 

well... That and a partner for those extra snippets of 

available times for fun and adventures to far away unknown places!

Yes... That was all that was missing from her life as of right now. 

But she didn't let it get the best of her. 

Instead she remembered that in order to attract the right energy,

she had to first be the energy she was looking to attract. 

And so... She configured for herself exactly that energy which 

she had wanted to attract...

And just how would she do it?

How would she create the feeling of all the joys that she

wanted to experience together with a matching partner? 

 And that's when the answer hit her...

Smack dab between her eyes!

She was going to call upon God and ask him to go with her

 on all of the wonderful journey's she wanted to explore

in the here and now!

And so she did just that. 

And she knew... 

She was never alone. 

And that when she went with God anywhere... 

She always knew she was safe. 

She was taken care of.

She was provided for.

And that everything she did, was also respected and honored. 

With God by her side, she knew she was free to be who she was created to be. 

And that made every journey she took, the best one ever! 

This is where her true joy radiated from!

And this is where God would be able to match her with a true match!

Because God was the creator of the law of attraction,

And She knew that it always worked. 

For the good or for the bad. 

And this time, she wanted it 

to be

 for the good. 

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