Tuesday, January 31, 2023

The Battle Within Ignited...

 With the Full Moon in Leo coming around the corner slowly

like a Lion strategically maneuvering it's prey, 

She too was trying to slow down the emotional upheavals

that kept exploding at her on a daily basis!

As she stepped back into the shadows though, so as to not be 

blinded by the sparks and blazing fires of all the flaming arrows


She saw that perhaps these battles were meant to happen. 

In order for all the emotional cellular memory pains to be 

activated within her... something had to trigger them!

And she knew, that most of her emotional pains did indeed

come from her old family lineage!

But... as they were all being hit one by one, flaming arrows

all burning away at her core... what was she to do?

Was she to follow the commands of those who were 

throwing the arrows? 

Should she leave?

Should she run?

Should she hide?

Or should she fight back?

As she contemplated each one of these fearful coping 

mechanisms, she realized that this time around, she wasn't going

to give away her power by turning to her fear mechanisms. 

This time, she was going to just sit back into acceptance of 

what was happening before her, to her, and in her. 

No, it didn't feel good. 

Knowing that people didn't approve of who she was.

It didn't feel good that everyone saw her as a failure because she 

didn't live as they wanted her to.

It didn't feel good not being seen for all the great energy 

she was pouring into them and their lives, but instead being made

felt as though she was a burden on them. 

But she accepted it. 

She allowed this not so good feeling to run through her. 

And she welcomed it... 

And then she examined it as it came up one by one. 

She realized as they came up though as... False beliefs... 

A false belief that family was supposed to be accepting and loving. 

That family was supposed to be the ones who knew everything.

She accepted that the idea she created as a child in her mind

that family was the one who would tell her when she was right

or when she was wrong turned out to be a very unreal truth! 

It was all just false beliefs! 

She didn't have to maintain any connection to them at all. 

No one was going to tell her that she was of bad character. 

The only person she had to ever be eye to eye with was God. 

And she realized that sometimes, even family would end up

falling away out of one's life because they just couldn't see eye to eye.

And that was actually okay.

No harm no foul. 

It was just what it was. 

A parting of energies.

A moving on. 

An ascension!

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