Friday, January 20, 2023

Side Stepped

It was the the day after the unveiling of the secrets that had kept 
her going round and around in karmic circles that she found herself
in a void...
It was a day of a standstill where she really didn't know which 
way to go next. 

The wind wasn't blowing.
Nothing was nudging her into either direction...
She was just standing still right there between 
the knowing  and the unknown... 

She definitely wasn't going to get anywhere by just standing there
in between... 
She was going to have to move eventually. 
But which way would she go?
The unknown definitely seemed like the right way. 
And she knew that it would probably be the best option.
Especially after all that karmic repeating that always ended the same way.
then she gave thought to the fact that
At least she always knew how the old karmic ways ended. 
And it almost felt like there was a security in that. 

In the knowing of how it all would always end up.
There was also security in the knowing of the fact that she had learned 
all the characters that she would play in order to come out
looking like the hero. 
Or the victim...
Depending on the scoreboard that she was holding her standards
up against...
And this is exactly where she realized what she had done! 
She had built up in her mind a path for her own masculine energy to follow
in order to stay in a safe zone.

But this path was not the path of  Her Heart. 
This was the path of the fearful Ego that had come to life a long time ago!
Fear could never create what the heart could easily produce.

And so... 
There she was at the crossroad... 
Just standing still...
Did she want to forever continue doing all that she knew and 
had mastered in the years and years that she had already wasted?
Or was she going to give into the fear of the unknown and 
actually allow herself to start all over again just as she did 
when she was a little child. 
Only this time... 
She was prepared with the emotional security which 
she knew noting about when she was a child. 
The emotional security that she needed to acquire through 
experiences and hardships that she had already lived through.
She was now ready to face this unknown with a power and 
confidence that she realized she had built up in her life prior to 
this new choice and new direction.
The power of Self Love!

Suddenly, as she was standing there in the deep dark void, 
she saw a light begin to light up in front of her... 
She looked to see where it was coming from..
Perhaps it was a sign for her to know which way to go!
Which direction to choose!
She squinted her eyes to see where the light was shining from 
and no sooner then later she realized that the light was coming from
within her. 

Her own inner light had begun to shine within her as soon as she 
allowed her fears to be acknowledged by her heart! 
Her heart was able to comfort her fears into Love and 
this love became a light so bright that it began to shine out 
of her and onto the dark road in front of her. 
It lit up everything around her and she clearly knew 
right then and there exactly which way to go. 

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