Sunday, January 15, 2023

Let go to Surrender

It was Sunday night, 

Or Early Monday morning, since it was  midnight exactly,

however people wanted to look at it, she imagined..

However, that wasn't the main event in her mind. 

Her mind was a fog, all day long... 

But towards the evening, it managed to get more dense

instead of clearing up like she wished it would. 

She wondered if maybe she was putting her power 

out there. 

And when she reminisced the night from earlier, 

she realized real quick that indeed she had. 

She wondered why though. 

What was making her give over her power all the time to outside


and that's when it hit her. 

It was because she wasn't getting anywhere in her own life.

She wasn't doing anything that was producing any fruit.

She was sinking.

Deeper and deeper into the great abyss of nothingness.

Why wasn't the energies working with her?

What was the hold up?

She couldn't figure it out. 

She was doing all that she loved. 

She was making videos on the stars and planets. 

She was offering all that she knew about birth charts

and the readings of it to the collective... 

Yet nothing was catching on. 

Nothing was being rewarded financially to her. 

She was getting deeper and deeper into debt.

She couldn't buy food, gas, clothes, let alone pay for any rent 

or utilities. 

She was really falling head first into a bottom less pit!

She tried so hard to get jobs. 

But no one seemed to respond. 

When she went to them, they all turned her away. 

What was happening?

Why was she stuck in this twilight zone?

What was the universe trying to tell her? 

And why couldn't she hear it?

She was at her wits end... 

And she knew... It was almost over.

All of it...

There was not much more that could fall. 


or even Explode...

It was time...

Time to just let go. 

Let go of it all. 

And so she did that night... 

She laid down after 3 glasses of Pinot Grigio..

and she softly said to herself...

God be with me as I lay me down to sleep..

I pray, thee my lord, my soul to keep...

and then she passed out... 

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