Sunday, January 8, 2023

Universal Babie

 If this life were a fairy tale... 

Hers would be that of The Odyssey.

Why The Odyssey?

Well, simply because it has psychological depth and is imbued with the presence 

of gods and goddesses, that's why. 

She always called herself the Hungarian Goddess, but today, she wanted to 

explore a little further into the fantasy world and allow herself 

to get carried away with cleverness of The Odyssey.

In The Odyssey, we have Odysseus depressed on the island of Calypso...

Yet he begins to learn and get more in touch with his soul and feminine side
when he meets Kalypso, the veiled nymph and sorceress, who's name means,
"She Who Conceals".

Side note here, the term Nymph, to those who might not know, means; 
mythological spirit of nature imagined as a beautiful maiden inhabiting rivers, woods, or other locations.
Nymph is not the same thing as a Nymphomaniac, which means;
  1. a woman with uncontrollable or excessive sexual desire.

The interesting part of this mythological story is that Calypso fell in love 
with Odysseus and craved him for her own.

Odysseus messes up too though... 
When he makes love to Calypso in 
her hollow cave, it becomes the stopover in Odysseus' journey of the soul.

When she read the over view of this Story, The Odyssey,
 she knew immediately 
that this was her story.
She wrote it. 
Thousands of years ago. 
And it was her and her twin flame who acted it out
over and over again.

Her twin flame was exactly like Odysseus..
He charms all those he encounters being both incredibly clever and 
deeply imaginative and tender-hearted.
He is a man of many devices!
An Olympic-class liar.
He is a shape-shifter and has an uncanny capacity for change!

He is steadfast, loyal, has enormous self-control and endurance, 
and always shows cold blood in crisis. 

Now in January 2023... 
Hundreds and Thousands of years later... 
Calypso finally saw the truth that was about to set her free!
The truth of Psychics... 
The truth of Telepathy and the multilevel existence that existed.
And the truth of her PRIDE.

How she trapped herself into the entanglement that kept her mortal.
It was time to sing her song once more and lull the serpents that entangled her
into her own deaths. 
So that she can be free once and for all. 
But before she goes... 
She sends out a warm loving thank you to her Odysseus.. 
He taught her many good lessons here on earth. 
But she was now seeing that being immortal was what she 
was going to stay and no longer held onto the idea of him
being hers. 
He wasn't.
He was only a dream. 
And only existed there while they slept. 
It was time to wake up. 


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