Monday, January 9, 2023

Your Poison...

 She was listening to a song by Alice Cooper...

It was called Poison... 

And she used to love the lyrics for being

So evil.

So twisted.

So deceptive... 

But then she remembered that with that kind of thinking...

That kind of poisoned mindset...

 She attracted him.

And she didn't want to go back there again.

It was indeed something that now she couldn't believe

she ever stayed in. 

Let alone manifested herself. 

She felt so ridiculous..

What was she really thinking?

How could she have been so twisted in her heart and mind?

She decided not to hate herself for it though, but instead 

to learn something from it. 

She heard it all the time;

 Bury the past, but take the wisdom.

And so that is exactly what she was going to do.

In her life, she kept attracting the same type of guys... 

Guys who had daddy issues. 

Making them all broken.

Just like her.

Afraid to commit to anything. 

Afraid to feel emotions.

Afraid to be totally authentic with themselves and with others..

She was also what they were... 


But by avoiding her own issues and trying to prove herself with 

guys in a relationship... 

It only attracted the same kind of poison that was already in her. 

The poison of bitterness! 

And when she finally saw that in her final relationship...

She realized it was time to stop. 

And face the truth.

That she could either forgive herself for harboring daddy issues...

Or she could die from the poison of bitterness. 


She chose to 

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